Chris Christie: The Republican Party Has To Be The Party Of ‘Truth’ Again

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Chris Christie, was 55th Governor of New Jersey Governor & author of the brand new book, Republican Rescue: Saving the Party from Truth Deniers, Conspiracy Theorists, and the Dangerous Policies of Joe Biden joined the Guy Benson show to talk about his new book and the future of the Republican party.

Christie said,

I think we have to be the party of truth again. We have to follow the example of Reagan and Buckley, who took risks but stood up for those truths. And that’s what I’m doing in this book, is to stand up for the truth and to say, Look for everybody who says they’re a Supporter of Donald Trump. The line forms behind me. I was the guy who came out there in February of 2016 and endorsed Donald Trump. No one else was doing it. And people, some people thought I was crazy, but I could see he was going to win our nomination and I wanted to make him a better candidate and a better president. It does not give us permission to abandon the truth.”

Christie also didn’t rule out a political future for his wife saying,

“Look, it is true that there have been very recently people within the party in New Jersey who have approached Mary Pat about the idea of running for the House of Representatives, but she’s nowhere near making any kind of decision about that. But she’s obviously flattered that people approach. She cares. A lot about the country always has. But, you know, we just sent our final child off to college. Our youngest daughter, Bridget, just started at the University of Notre Dame. And so we’re just experiencing, you know, the empty nest situation. And so I think both of us are going to be evaluating that. What do we want to do with this new free time that we have and how do we want to spend it most productively? But listen, she’s never told me that she wants to do that. And so I won’t believe it until she tells me. But I also can’t deny what you heard, which is that some have approached her, and that is true.”