President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda remains in jeopardy as his own party continues to squabble over its cost and details.

The stalemate comes at a time when the White House is in need of a big political win and the Democrats chances of holding on to power after the 2022 midterms are shrinking.

Earlier this week, Anchor and Executive Editor of Special Report on the Fox News Channel, Bret Baier joined host Jessica Rosenthal to discuss the Democrats’ infighting, President Biden’s low poll numbers and how all of this is only benefiting the Republicans

Bret also talked about his new book, “To Rescue the Republic: Ulysses S. Grant, the Fragile Union, and the Crisis of 1876,” and the challenges we faced in the years after the Civil War.

The interview was too long and a lot Bret Baier’s analysis of both problems of today and America’s history did not make it in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra you will hear our entire conversation.