FOX News Rundown EXTRA: What The Front Lines Of The Border Crisis Are Like

The crossing at the U.S. Mexico border is showing no signs of slowing down as a new waves of Haitian migrants make their way to the southern border.

The U.S. isn’t the only country getting overwhelmed with a crisis; Mexico is facing one also as the city of Tapachula swells as thousands of migrants make their way to the U.S..

Earlier this week, host Lisa Brady spoke to FOX News Correspondent Griff Jenkins who was reporting from Tapachula for FOX News.

Jenkins detailed what he saw at the Mexican entry-point, why the migrants want to come to the U.S. and how Mexico has been dealing with the border crossings.

The interview was too long and we could not include all of it on our conversation.

On the FOX News Rundown Extra you will hear complete, unedited conversation with FOX News Correspondent Griff Jenkins.