Dr. Scott Gottlieb: Certainly More Than Plausible COVID-19 Came Out Of A Lab

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Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the author of “Uncontrolled Spread: Why Covid-19 Crushed Us and How We Can Defeat the Next Pandemic.” joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show in a wide-ranging interview to discuss his new book, booster shots, masking kids and the Covid lab leak theory.

Dr. Gottlieb weighed in on the possibility that covid-19 leaked from a lab in China,

“Look, I think it’s certainly more than plausible that this came out of a lab. I think at the very least, you have to give equal weight to the possibility this came out of nature, out of a so-called zoonotic source, an animal that came into contact with human or this was an accidental release from a lab, probably from a lab worker who became infected with the pathogen they were working on and went on to spread it in the community. And I would say that over time, this side of the ledger that tips in favor of a zoonotic source probably has been at at the most stagnant and probably diminished over time. And the side of the ledger that tips in favor of this coming out of a lab, I think has expanded over time, certainly because there’s been circumstantial evidence around the Wuhan Institute of Virology.