The withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban taking over the region and all the deadly events that have followed is having a major impact on many veterans, especially those who served in America’s longest war.

Even before the deadly terrorist attack in Kabul, the Defense Department and the Marine Corps two top commanders reached out to veterans, especially those wondering is their sacrifice was worth it; praising them for their service while urging them to take advantage of mental health resources if needed.

A study released by the Cost of War Project in June estimated that more than 30,000 War on Terror veterans have died by suicide, compared to more than 7-thousan who were deployed,

Earlier this week, host Lisa Brady spoke retired U.S. Marine Corps Colonel Christian Cabaniss about veterans’ reaction to the Afghanistan withdrawal and the mental health struggles they currently face.

The conversation was too long and we could not include the whole interview with the colonel.

On today’s FOX News Rundown EXTRA you will hear Colonel Cabaniss discuss the progress made on the mental health front, the many challenges that still remain for the men and women who served, what he wants the American public to recognize about those who have served this country and how the government and communities can help.