Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) Torches Pelosi After Shrugging Off Kabul Airport Attack At Women’s Equality Day Event

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Congressman Mike Gallagher (R-WI) joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to discuss the fallout from the Kabul Airport attack where terrorist suicide bombings killed 13 U.S. troops and nearly 200 Afghans.

Congressman Gallagher slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for ignoring the attacks during a event for women’s equality. Saying,
I mean, what planet is Pelosi living on at this point? I mean, I was astounded. I was on the House floor because I had the bill on the House floor to require the administration to report to us on the number of Americans left in Afghanistan and prevent them from withdrawing until we’ve gotten every American and every Democrat voted against it because they didn’t want to endanger the five trillion dollar authorization for the Bernie budget, plus the infrastructure bill. And as I was getting ready to speak and lead the debate on Afghanistan, Speaker Pelosi came to the House floor and delivered this truly insane 30 minute diatribe, talking about what a proud day this is for America. We’re giving universal pre-K and this and that, and we’re going to fund every progressive priority domestically. No mention about the ongoing disaster in Afghanistan and the fact that she’s continued that in the intervening days, even after we just witnessed the deadliest day in a decade. Twelve Marines dead, one sailor dead. I mean, an absolute tragedy made all the more tragic because it was entirely avoidable. I just I’m stunned by the speaker’s priority and the complete lack of urgency with which she’s addressed this issue in Afghanistan.