Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) Reacts To Reports The U.S. Is Sharing Intel With The Taliban

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Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to react to reports that the U.S. is sharing intelligence with the Taliban.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger said,
“Giving lists to the Taliban of Americans and citizens green card holders only ensures that when we leave any of those on the list that didn’t get evacuated. We’ve now granted the Taliban a first hand list of who our allies were. And look, the Taliban are not reformed, I believe, and this is I don’t know this from any classified source. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Taliban and ISIS were cooperating on this attack because they wanted to embarrass us. This is there not some reforms, you know, good group of people. We’re going to see some really bad stuff.”