“After serving 14 years in both the Navy as a chef to the Commander of the US 6th Fleet and then transitioning on to becoming an Army team leader in one of the military’s most dangerous jobs, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Staff Sergeant Aaron Hale was blinded by an IED. Not letting his injuries hold him back, Aaron became an EOD instructor, motivational speaker, mountain climber, white water kayaker, and marathon runner. Four years later tragedy struck again when Aaron contracted bacterial meningitis which robbed him of his hearing leaving him not just 100% blind but completely deaf as well. Never willing to give up, and with the help of a cochlear implant Aaron regained his hearing and again… hit the ground running.” People like Aaron exist to remind us how amazing the gift of life is, and how no matter what adversity we face victory is always around the corner. Aaron joins the podcast today.