Texas Gov. Abbott: Delinquent Dems Can’t Wait Out Special Session, Reiterates They Will Be Arrested Upon Return

Listen To The Full Interview Below:

Governor Greg Abbott (R) Texas Governor joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to discuss the political stunt Texas House Democrats are engaging in by fleeing the state in a bid to prevent the Republican lead legislature to pass an election bill.

Governor Abbott explained the jurisdiction of getting the Texas Democrats back to the state capitol saying,
“The way that it works on the Texas Constitution is this is the authority of the House. And earlier today, the Texas House of Representatives passed what they needed to pass, which was the authority to go out and arrest the Democrats once they arrive back in Texas. The jurisdiction exists in the state of Texas, but not outside of the state of Texas because these are Texas law enforcement agents. But when the Democrats arrived back in Texas, they will receive a nice escort to the Capitol where they will be compelled to stay until the special session is completed.”

Governor Abbott responded to claims that the new election bill restricts voting saying,
“They’re claiming that Texas Republicans are trying to pass a law that deny them the right to vote, which is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard of what Texas is actually doing. We are increasing the number of hours to vote, not decreasing. Texas has 12 days of early voting and we are increasing the hours available to vote during those early voting days. I might point out, guy, that if you look at the early voting days Texas has, it’s far more than what exists in Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, which is exactly zero days of early voting. So if anybody wants to talk about voter suppression, they should talk about what’s going on in Delaware, not in the Lone Star State.”

Governor Abbott added,
“That is the case and the Senate is making progress, and even though the House does not have a quorum that doesn’t deny the Senate from having a quorum and doesn’t deny the Senate the ability to hear bills and to pass bills, and that’s exactly what they’re doing. And they will have all of these bills that are put on a special session called probably passed out before the end of this week. And so if the Democrats return during the course of a special session was last 30 days, then the Texas House of Representatives will be able to pass this legislation very quickly. However, what the Democrats are saying is that they will not return during the course of this called special session, and that means they will come back after the expiration of this. But the minute after the current special session expires, I’ll be issuing a new call for a new special session, making them subject to arrest as soon as they arrive back in Texas. Regardless of when it is.”

Full Transcript Below:

GUY BENSON, FOX RADIO HOST: Joining me now for the first time on this show, is the governor of the great state of Texas, Greg Abbott, a Republican, is here. And Governor, it’s a pleasure to have you.

GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R-TX): Great to be with you, Guy. Big fan, love your work.

BENSON: I appreciate that. I have to say there are so many members of the Texas legislature here in D.C. It’s like they got a little outpost that they’ve set up here in the nation’s capital, as opposed to the Texas capital of Austin. They have fled the jurisdiction, they chartered some planes, it looked like, got a bunch of Miller Lite, no masks on the flight, which is pretty great for them, not so great for the rest of us who like to travel. We’re not allowed to do that. But they’re here, and they’re not there. Give us the background of why this is happening, and this is their second sort of flee move to try to prevent this election law, right?

ABBOTT: Sure, listen, have you ever heard of Babylon Bee?

BENSON: Of course.

ABBOTT: Big fan. So, they just printed an article talking about how genius it was that the governor of Texas was able to get all the Democrats to leave the state.


ABBOTT: And so, this could be a master plan that other states are trying to copy. But more seriously, this is an adjudication of duty by people who are elected to go to the Capitol in Austin, Texas to get a job done. Worse than that, they’re in Washington, DC showing nothing but hypocrisy because the one thing they are seeking to accomplish in Washington, DC is to try to compel Democrats in Washington to end the filibuster. So, the strategy they are using to get Democrats in Washington to end the filibuster is for Democrats in Texas to use the filibuster in Austin, Texas. That’s — that is the epitome of hypocrisy by the Democrats. Another thing I’d like to point out, you did talk about the Miller Lite, for those who don’t know what — where Guy’s talking about it, and that is, the Democrats, when they fled the state of Texas, they had like a case of Miller Lite with them. But what did they have to use to buy that Miller Lite? It required an I.D., just like an I.D. that is required to vote. Which is one of the things they’re protesting about despite the fact that Texas has, for years now, had a voter I.D. requirement. Let’s just go back to the beginning, and that is that the Democrats, they are raising an uproar about an issue that really is not in existence. They’re — they’re claiming that Texas Republicans are trying to pass a law that deny them the right to vote, which is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard of. What Texas is actually doing, we are increasing the number of hours to vote, not decreasing. Texas has 12 days of early voting, and we are increasing the hours available to vote during those early voting days. I might point out, Guy, that, if you look at the early voting days Texas has, it’s far more than what exists in Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, which is exactly zero days of early voting. So, if anybody wants to talk about voter’s suppression, they should talk about what’s going on in Delaware, not in the Lone Star State.

BENSON: Well, speaking of the president, he just gave a speech today, and he was referring to a whole host of issues. But within that basket of issues are some of these state-level bills and laws that are begin passed, including yours in Texas. And he called this a 21st century Jim Crow assault on democracy. What’s your reaction to that from the president?

ABBOTT: Well, remember something — and this is the same president who called me a Neanderthal when I opened up Texas 100 percent eliminating the mask mandate. And all that happened after I did that so-called Neanderthal action was to have the number of cases and hospitalizations and COVID positivity rate all decline, and Texas improved dramatically after that. So, his calling names is absolutely absurd, for one. But for another, anybody who went through Jim Crow would be angry at the president of the United States equivocating what is going on in Texas with Jim Crow laws. Because that is one of the most offensive things ever. Let’s go back to what I said, Texas is increasing, not decreasing, the number of hours to vote. If you want to say Jim Crow laws exist anywhere, again, you should say that it exists in Delaware where you have zero early voting days or hours. But more than that, Joe Biden himself knows full well about the election fraud that takes place in the state of Texas because of the Obama/Biden administration. Two quick examples. One is that Barack Obama appointed a federal district judge in Corpus Christi, Texas that issued a ruling about voting in the state of Texas where that Obama-appointed judge wrote that voter fraud occurs, quote, “In abundance as it concerns absentee balloting.” Absentee balloting is exactly what we’re trying to address in the state of Texas. And the Barack Obama judge says it occurs in abundance in the state of Texas. Well, on top of that, the Obama/Biden administration, they sent a team of FBI agents, as well as a U.S. attorney to south Texas to investigate and to arrest and to prosecute a voter fraud scheme where cocaine was being used to buy votes in south Texas. Joe Biden knows full well voter fraud is real in the state of Texas. It is right to have Texas address voter fraud especially as it occurs in the mail in ballot, absentee ballot situation. And even Democrats on the Texas House floor in Texas agree that we can achieve greater vote integrity by addressing absentee mail-in ballots in Texas.

BENSON: So, we have this stunt from these law makers who have left your state on their chartered flights, and they are now here in D.C. They’re meeting with the vice president apparently. They’re meeting with Senator Schumer. I’m sure this is delightful to many progressives around the country. The left-wingers on Twitter seem to love it. But I kind of feel like the people of Texas might take a slightly different view. I can’t imagine that you’re terribly upset by some of these optics, because it seems like the Democrats have just walked into a trap that they created for themselves. You say that they’re going to be arrested when they return and compelled to show up for work. They can’t stay here forever. They may want to. They may prefer D.C. to Texas but their families are there, their jobs are there. When they get back you said they’re going to be arrested and forced to show up for work. Do you have any sense on the timeline there? Is there any way you can get them back to Austin sooner rather than later? What does the jurisdiction look like there?

ABBOTT: The way that it works on the Texas Constitution is, this is in the authority of the House. And earlier today the Texas House of Representatives passed what they needed to pass, which was the authority to go out and arrest the Democrats once they arrive back in Texas. The jurisdiction exists in the state of Texas, but not outside of the state of Texas, because these are Texas law enforcement agents. But when the Democrats arrive back in Texas, they will receive a nice escort to the Capitol where they will be compelled to stay until the special session is completed.

BENSON: On that front, I saw some reports today, Governor, that they have denied the quorum — and this is their delay tactic — they’re denying the quorum, the number of people needed to physically be present to do business. They’ve done that successfully in the House, the lower chamber, but perhaps not in the Senate. Not enough Democrats may have fled the state in the Senate. Is that right and if that’s true, if there’s a quorum in the Senate, can there be legislative progress to sort of T this thing up to just basically be waiting on the House and a few of these low makers to get arrested to get this thing on to your desk for signing?

ABBOTT: That is the case, and the Senate is making progress. And even though the House does not have a quorum, that doesn’t deny the Senate from having a quorum and doesn’t deny the Senate the ability to hear bills and to pass bills, and that’s exactly what they’re doing, and they will have all of these bills that are put on the special session called, probably passed out before the end of this week. And so if the Democrats return during the course of a special session, which lasts 30 days, then the Texas House of Representatives will be able to pass this legislation very quickly. However, what the Democrats are saying is that they will not return during the course of this called special session and that means that they will come back after the expiration of this. But the — the minute after the current special session expires, I’ll be issuing a — a new call for a new special session making them subject to arrest as soon as they arrive back into Texas, regardless of when it is.

BENSON: So, they can’t wait this out is what you’re saying. They can wait for 30 days and then come back, but then, boom, new special session. They’re in custody potentially, you’re going to make it happen one way or the other based on your authority given to you by the voters and Texas and majorities in the legislature also given and created by the voters of Texas, I will point out. That is very interesting information. A lot of context here as this battle is playing out. A lot of misinformation and hysteria, but we’re watching it very closely. Governor Greg Abbott of Texas holding down the fort there while the Democrats are delinquent here in Washington D.C. Governor, appreciate your time, would love to have you back.

ABBOTT: Take care. God bless.

BENSON: Thanks, Governor.