Jack Ciattarelli Makes His Case For New Jersey Governor, Says New Jersey Is ‘Purple’ When It Comes To Statewide Elections

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Jack Ciattarelli, Republican Nominee for Governor NJ joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to make his case to be the next Governor of New Jersey.

Ciattarelli said,
“Let me be clear. I’m not on a fool’s errand here. I’m in it to win it. And there is a pathway to victory. And I think what helps people better understand that is while we are blue when it comes to federal elections, we are a purple state that tints red when it comes to statewide elections. Over the last four decades, Republicans have won six of the last 10 gubernatorial races in New Jersey. And over that same four decade span, every time a Democrat took the White House, New Jersey turned around the very next year and elected a Republican governor. And every one of our governors, Republican governors over the last four decades been a two termer, one other very compelling fact guy. So Murphy lost his midterms two years ago, Phil Murphy lost his midterms, Republicans did something we hadn’t done in twenty eight years. We picked up seats in the state legislature.”