Jesse Watters Reveals How ‘Mom Texts’ Started And What’s It Like Being ‘One Unlucky Guy’ At Family Gatherings

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Jesse Watters, Cohost of The Five and Host of Watters World which airs Saturdays at 8pmET. Be sure to check out his new book: How I saved the World (OUT NOW!) joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to talk about his new book and what it’s like being ‘One Unlucky Guy’ at family gatherings.

Jesse explained how the popular ‘Mom Texts’ segment on the five came to be saying,

“So we were on a nine originally when I came on the show and my mom she had a martini, at least one martini, perhaps three. And she hated Trump. She still hates Trump. And so she would just send me the most hostile text messages throughout the hour. And they were so hostile I would kind of elbow Perino and Gutfeld and say, guys, can you believe what my mom just texted me? So Gutfeld got me to read it on the air. So I read one on the air and then it became a segment. And throughout the Trump presidency, I my mom had been radicalized. She’d been to join the resistance, dragged my dad to the women’s march and and just hated everything he did. So we put these together. It was actually longer than than than what you see in the book. We had to edit these down. These are the best of the best. But what’s different about these guys that I actually respond to each text before I didn’t have time because I was on the air. Now I respond to each of my mom’s nasty texts and I get the last word. And that’s how I like it.”

Watters also dished on what it’s like being the lone conservative at the table at family gatherings saying,

“Oh, literally. I’m like the Juan Williams at my table. If that was the five ‘one unlucky guy’ and my and my brother in law on my sister’s side he works for Joe Biden. He worked for Obama, then took four years off then now works for Biden. So I find it smarter just to kind of not bring it up. And if they want to bring it up, that’s fine. I try not to get emotional, but, you know, Guy after a long drink. You can get a little emotional when we talk politics.”