Katie Pavlich: Going Door-To-Door For Vaccinations Is “Creepy Government Overreach”

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Fox News Contributor Katie Pavlich said President Biden’s plan to go door-to-door in some communities to make sure people are vaccinated is a sign of “creepy government overreach.”

“The creepy government overreach of people in white jackets and white coats coming to your door, making sure that you’ve had your vaccination regardless of your personal decisions, what your personal health situation may be, or whether you have natural immunity. Jen Psaki just finished her briefing today and she was asked about this and she said that the criticism of this door to door effort is actually bad for the country and I quote, disservice to the country. And then even scarier, earlier today, you had the HHS secretary, Xavier Becerra, saying that it’s absolutely the government’s business on whether you have been vaccinated. Now, they claim that they don’t have a database, they don’t know who’s been vaccinated and who isn’t and the way that they figure out how to go door to door by looking at communities of a vaccination. But I find it interesting that today you have Louis Farrakhan coming out and telling his followers not to get the vaccine. So I look forward to the White House going door to door in communities that follow Louis Farrakhan demanding that they take the vaccine. Good luck”

“They making it like Republicans are the ones that are opposed to this vaccine thing. No, they’re just opposed to being in their business, they’re opposed to the government making sure that they’re doing exactly what the government wants. But in reality, there are all kinds of folks who are a little bit hesitant and it’s up to them. It’s their choice.”