Guy Benson Torches Media For Jumping To Conclusions In Fort Lauderdale Pride Crash

Listen To Guy’s FULL Monologue Below:

On today’s Guy Benson Show, Guy gave a monologue criticizing the media jumping to conclusions over a accident that took place at a pride celebration in Florida over the weekend.

Guy Benson said,
“It was confirmed that the driver was, in fact a participant in the event, was a member of the Gay Men’s Chorus, and apparently what happened was his foot slipped and he hit the gas by accident and hit some people. And killed one of them. It was an accident, right? The mayor said. This is no accident, this is a terrorist hate crime against the community. It was none of those things. He was exactly wrong about all of it, but he put it out there and a bunch of journalists just raced to say, here’s what happened. With nowhere near the amount of skepticism or fact gathering, so all these tweets go out and they are shared far and wide, how often does this happen? And it gets post on Facebook and it goes all these different places. And then by the time the facts catch up. In a matter of hours in this case, how many believe the narrative and a lot of people were kind of distressingly disturbingly eager to want to believe this narrative? Oh, it must be. A right wing, you know, MAGA type of person inspired by the Republicans and Ron DeSantis. That’s what this is. And that goes everywhere, and then it’s like, oh, well, oops, no, that’s actually not what happened.”