Katie Pavlich On NYT’s Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Coverage: They’re Either Incompetent Or Complicit In Publishing Hamas Propaganda

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Katie Pavlich, Editor for Townhall.com & Fox News Contributor joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to talk about the mainstream media’s Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Coverage.

Katie Pavlich said,

“Yep, and then you ask the question, OK, are they not vetting the photos, where are they getting the photos? Who’s giving them the photos? What is the source of them? Are they not double checking? So they’re either incompetent as a news organization or they’re complicit in knowingly and repeatedly publishing Hamas propaganda, despite the fact that we know that’s exactly what Hamas wants. Right. There’s a whole lot of options there. I mean, it’s not that difficult to figure this stuff out. A regular person can can match photos on that that are coming out of propaganda sites for Hamas. And yet The New York Times is just supposed to be the paper of record in the United States and around the world is reprinting a stock photo. And claiming that Israel killed this child.”