FOX News Rundown Extra: China, Biden Administration Under Pressure Over COVID “Lab Leak” Theory

After a tumultuous few weeks, U.S. foreign policy has been under more scrutiny than ever. If recent violence in the Middle East and escalating tensions with the Russians wasn’t putting enough pressure on the Biden Administration, new information suggesting the coronavirus originated in a virology lab in Wuhan, China forced the President to address the geopolitically sensitive theory.

Earlier this week, host Dave Anthony spoke with former Secretary of State during the Trump administration Mike Pompeo about some of the international crises the current White House is forced to cope with.

Sec. Pompeo explained how the Chinese Communist Party has made concerted efforts to cover up the origins of COVID-19 and shared his take on the new evidence supporting his long-standing belief the virus originated from a Wuhan lab and was not passed from an animal to a human.

He also explained why he believes the Biden administration should continue to preserve stability in the Middle East via allyship with Israel, the importance of avoiding deals and imposing costs on Iran and taking hard stances against Russia.

The interview was too long and we could not include it all in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear our complete unedited conversation with former Sec. of State Mike Pompeo and hear more about his take on the Chinese, the Russians and the Biden Administration.