Chad Wolf: Biden WH Pursuing “Absurd Approach” On Crisis, Assertions Of Secure Border Couldn’t Be “Further From The Truth”

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Chad Wolf, former acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, and a visiting fellow at The Heritage Foundation joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to discuss the crisis at the southern border.

Chad Wolf said,
“Well Guy, what I would tell you, it’s an absurd approach. There’s two different things going on here, and they require two different sets of responses. One is the crisis. And you have to solve that real time. That is the three meter target in front of your face. That’s what’s facing Border Patrol, law enforcement officers, communities along that border. They need to take steps to address that. The longer term play here in the longer term approach is to address some of the root causes. But that’s nothing that’s going to be solved overnight and it’s going to take multiple, multiple years to get to the to those root causes. We did that back in two thousand eighteen, invested it in 2019 and 2020, and there’s still have issues today. But had we not taken specific action in 2019 to address the crisis that we solved, then it would be out of control today. So the administration really needs to be doing both the vice president or the president needs to be down on that border talking to law enforcement, understanding their challenges. It seems to be very political, politically convenient for the vice president to go when she’s a senator, when she’s a candidate, but not as vice president when you are actually in charge of something. And so I would encourage them both to get down there and talk to the law enforcement officers to try to address the crisis that is here today.”

Wolf added,
“There’s nothing further from the truth. I mean, we talked about 40000 got away just in the month of April alone. There’s no way that that border is secure with that many folks and the men and women of Border Patrol and the law enforcement officers and Border Patrol know this. And when they hear this from leadership, they are losing confidence in their leadership at the department and the White House because officials at the White House are saying the same thing. And so there is a there’s a reality difference between what’s coming out of a leadership’s mouth and the reality and the facts on the ground.”