Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) Outlines Legislation To Help End The Crisis At The Southern Border

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Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to discuss her plan to end the crisis at the southern border.

Senator Blackburn said,
“That’s why I’ve put these migrant protection protocols into a bill. We have the legislation filed. We’re saying this is common sense. If you want to help restore some order to the southern border, then let’s pass this legislation. Have people that are seeking asylum remain in Mexico until such time as we can handle their claims, because right now the border is being run over, you’ve got the ones they have caught, you’ve got the ones who are the got aways that we don’t know exactly who they are, where they’re from, why they’re coming into the country. What we do know is that there are individuals from 160 different countries that have been apprehended at the southern border so far this year.”