Dana Perino’s Lessons From “Everything Will Be Okay”

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, “America’s Newsroom” Co-Anchor & Co-Host of “The Five” Dana Perino discusses some of the life lessons she shares in her new book, Everything Will Be Okay Life Lessons for Young Women (from a Former Young Woman).

“I absolutely think that women who think that they have it so hard have no idea what women like my mom went through when she was trying to go to the workplace. So many people have paved the way for us. And now companies are doing anything they possibly can to find more women to promote. Right now, women are the majority of the main breadwinner in our households in America. They are getting more law degrees, engineering degrees by leaps and bounds, not more than men, but that’s increasing. But women are getting more law degrees than men right now, and they’re very ambitious. The only thing is I feel like they just want you to give them a plan. And if I gave them a plan for how they could be White House Press Secretary in two years, they would do it by tomorrow at one o’clock. And then they sit there and go, OK can I be press secretary now? One of the stories that’s pretty funny in the book is the day that I became the press secretary was the day that I went in to resign as the deputy. Actually, Ed Gillespie said, ‘Do you mind if I go first?’ I said, yeah, sure, go ahead. He said, the President would like to make you the Press Secretary on Friday. And I said, wonderful, OK. I mean, you talk about not being in my plan? You know what my other piece of advice is? If someone ever says, I need to talk to you, to always let them go first.”