Rep. John Katko (R-NY): Biden’s Border Policy Is “A Nightmare & A Humanitarian Crisis”

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Ranking Member on the House Committee on Homeland Security Rep. John Katko (R-NY) explained why President Biden’s immigration policy is a “nightmare” and said he also expects some “real heat” might be coming Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s way in the nursing home investigation.

“I’ve been down to the border, in fact, I started my career as a federal organized crime prosecutor twenty years ago, going after cartel-level drug traffickers in El Paso across the border in Juarez, that’s where I started out. So I know that area. And I led a delegation down there with Kevin McCarthy and no question about it, that (Biden’s) policies that he signed on January 20th via an executive order destroyed what Trump was able to accomplish at the border, in that keeping the border safe and giving a disincentive for people to try and cross.”

“There’s no question this is a humanitarian crisis that can only be solved by President Biden going back to what the previous policies were. Because what he’s done is create a false expectation. And the only people happier about his moves and the illegals crossing are the drug traffickers. Because of drug cartels, I can tell you from being down there and working on the border, nobody cross that border without without paying them. They get money from every single person. So they sense the weakness in this administration and they’re essentially advertising in the other countries that they’ll ship you up here, give me four thousand dollars, I’ll get your across. And every single day that this crisis is going on, the drug cartels are making a minimum of fifteen million dollars a day. So count how many days he’s been in office and count how much money they’re making. They’re going to be making over a billion dollars at the very top, a billion dollars in the very near future. And there’s just no question when they get to the border, first of all, on the way, at least a third of the women historically are sexually assaulted, sometimes brutally, many of them don’t make it, or sold into sex slavery. They get to the border, the kids are exploited, they’re often split up. Families are split up and somebody’s worked for the cartels or someone who’s paid the cartels extra money to pose as that person’s parent or sibling to get across. It’s a nightmare and it’s a humanitarian crisis that doesn’t have to be.”

“The hubris knows knows no bounds, that’s for sure. At the very time he was writing that book, he was lying to federal authorities, him and his administration about the nursing home crisis and the scandal. That’s a stunning revelation. So it’s pretty damning. Don’t forget there’s a criminal investigation going on in the Eastern District of New York, regarding the nursing home scandal. I was a prosecutor. You never talk about the progress of the case or anything, but don’t be surprised if that generate some real heat. And he’s not really able to insulate himself from that heat.”