Rep. Miller-Meeks Details Pelosi’s Effort To Overturn Iowa Election Win: “Never Ending Campaign”

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Congresswomen Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa 02) joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to discuss Pelosi’s ongoing effort to overturn her Congressional election win.

Rep. Miller-Meeks said,

“In speaking with the House Committee on Administration, with Representative Rodney Davis from Illinois, that’s when I learned about this process. And Article five, Section one of our Article one, Section five of the Constitution that Congress has the authority to seat its members. So that’s when I became aware that this process existed. But you’re correct and it’s very important distinction. So I was ahead on election night. I was ahead at the official county canvass of all 24 counties. All of these ballots were examined. And then in the recount, is a three person bipartisan board, eyeballs on these ballots that were considered illegitimate under Iowa law and could she could have appealed to the Iowa courts, but did not, because under Iowa law, these ballots would have been tossed out. She knew that she would lose. So, yes, strategically, they felt better to appeal to the House Committee on Administration and Congress, which is a majority of Democrats. So it changes it from an election process. And yes, you’re right, for me, it’s been a never ending campaign.”