Janice Dean Reacts To Growing Calls For Cuomo To Resign Over Sexual Harassment And Not Nursing Home Scandal

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Janice Dean, Senior Meteorologist for FNC joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to react to the growing calls from New York lawmakers calling for Governor Cuomo to resign over sexual harassment accusations and not the covid nursing home scandal.

Janice Dean reacted saying,

“I go back and forth. I think ultimately, whatever takes him down, I’m good with I think we’ve used the Al Capone theory or the Al Capone comparison, the fact that he got caught with tax evasion when, you know, the real crimes were made way worse than that. And not to say that the metoo stuff isn’t serious because no woman should ever have to put through something like that and he should be punished for it. But the bigger crime is the 15000 dead seniors that we still don’t have answers for, the fact that we don’t know where that March twenty fifth order came from, the fact that he didn’t use the facilities provided with from the federal government, the Javits Center and the comfort ship and all the makeshift hospitals and the fact that they covered it up. I mean, that’s really serious. And by the way, I found it interesting that when he was asked the nursing home question, he got somebody else to answer it. And the reason, I think is because that’s what he’s lawyered up for. And he better not say anything that can be used in a court of law, because that’s that’s the stuff that they could really get him on.”