Mollie Hemingway On Report Biden’s COVID Bill Would Pay Federal Employees To Stay Home With Kids

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Mollie Hemingway, Senior Editor at The Federalist, Fox News Contributor joined the Guy Benson Show and discussed Biden’s Covid bill. The legislation reportedly pays Federal workers with children enrolled in a school that has not resumed full-time, in-classroom instruction $1400 a week in enhanced paid time off to stay home with their kids.

Mollie Hemingway sounded off saying,

“It’s actually worse because these are people who never lost a single paycheck during this entire time. they, unlike almost every other group in America other than like billionaire tech oligarchs, have come out just fine on this. A lot of people have had to deal with loss of income, plus all of the disruptions of the teachers unions keeping kids out of school. And it is just unimaginable were not talking about. Fourteen hundred dollars total were talking about fourteen hundred dollars a week. And again, these are the most cossetted, protected employees in the country. And I’m not saying it wasn’t hard for them to to manage school or what not, but of all the people in the country, they’ve had it the best.”