Jesse Watters: Biden’s Only Mandate Is Tackling Covid-19

Listen To The Full Interview Below:

On today’s Guy Benson Show, Jesse Watters, Cohost of The Five and Host of Watters World talked about the shifting goal post on covid precautions once vaccinated and Biden’s governing mandate.

Jesse Watters said,

“He’s coming in with operation warp speed already hopping. he’s now has his only mandate is tackling covid-19. If he can get shots in arms and he could juice the economy with this two trillion in spending, he’s going to be coming into the midterms with things getting back to normal and an economy that’s growing. That’s all he needs to do. If he screws it up with a message that says, no, no, no, no, no, we still need to stay, We still need to wear masks. People are going to get angry.”

Watters added,

“I mean, the vaccines were the light at the end of the tunnel. That’s how it was sold. You cannot now tell people a year after the pandemic hit, they get vaccinated and they have to still not see their grandparents and still wear a mask. In fact, now double mask. No, I’m not down with that. I don’t see the science in it. And it’s going to make a lot of Americans not only demoralized but suspicious, because if you believe in science and you’ve been vaccinated, then you are not going to be a super spreader. And if you do happen to get it, you’re not going to the hospital. We’re not going to continue to live life in America for the next three, four, five, six, seven years. Everybody getting vaccinated and continuing to wear masks and social distancing. That’s not happening. Americans aren’t going for it.”