Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) Says He’s At “Total Peace” With Vote To Impeach Trump

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On today’s Guy Benson Show, Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) spoke about his vote to impeach former President Trump in the House, saying he’s at “total peace” with his decision. Kinzinger also weighed in on the impending Senate impeachment trial, saying ‘censuring’ instead if impeaching would be “Best”.

Congressman Adam Kinzinger said,

“On the vote, I feel at peace, total peace. And quite honestly, it was the easiest decision I’ve ever made because I lived in the middle of what happened. And I knew that, you know, my swearing to an oath to the Constitution out of the 700,000 people I represent, I’m the only one that had to swear an oath in that capacity, and I’m the only one that has to make that decision. I’m total peace and the other 10 are a total peace as well.”

Kinzinger added,

“You know, at the beginning, I was clear that I didn’t think the Democrats should have brought up impeachment. I thought, you know, given where we were, it’s better to go forward with censure. The president’s leaving soon. But then when that was put in front of me, since we’re not in the majority, we don’t get a choice. I had no doubt but that it was the right vote. And I think on the Senate side, if we can go to a censure, I think that will be the best. It will not, you know, kind of embolden Donald Trump. It won’t put people in their corners, but it’ll be clear that we make a strong statement.”