The Senate goes back into session today with an impeachment trial looming and the coronavirus still surging. The House impeached the President, accusing him of inciting the deadly Capitol attack earlier this month. That riot has prompted more than 20-thousand National Guard troops to patrol the city ahead of the inauguration of Joe Biden that will take place tomorrow. Mike Emanuel, FOX News chief congressional correspondent, discusses the ongoing fallout over the January 6th violence at the Capitol, the politics behind the impeachment and whether they will derail President Joe Biden’s first 100 days.

President-elect Joe Biden unveiled his COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan to meet his promised goal of 100-million coronavirus vaccinations by the end of his first 100 days in the White House. The vaccine rollout has been off to a rocky start and criticized by many as too slow, with more pressure than ever to get people vaccinated as more new virus strains come to light. Former CDC Director and President and CEO of “Resolve to Save Lives” Dr. Tom Frieden weighs in on what the Biden administration can do to increase vaccinations and lower the spread. He also explains why it’s important to continue to wear masks even if you have been vaccinated.

Plus, commentary by former deputy national security adviser K.T. McFarland.