335,000 coronavirus deaths have been reported in the United States. Hospitalizations are at record highs- surpassing more than 121,000. While Americans continue to get vaccinated every day, the number of Covid vaccines that are shipped to states have been lower than predicted. The goal of having 20 million people vaccinated by the end of the month is not being met. Dr. Marty Makary, a Professor of Surgery and Health Policy at Johns Hopkins University and Fox News Medical Contributor, explains why he remains hopeful that we can reach herd immunity levels in the Spring even with the distribution not going as planned and why he thinks the ‘medical establishment’ isn’t telling the public everything they need to know about the virus and who should be vaccinated.

Before the coronavirus was a worldwide pandemic it was just an unknown virus that started in Wuhan, China. Doug Perez was an American who stuck in Wuhan, China while the city was coping with the outbreak. We revisit our interview with Doug and why he turned down a flight offered by the U.S. State Department to leave the country and what steps the Chinese government had taken to keep people safe.

Plus, commentary by syndicated columnist and author of “America’s Expiration Date,” Cal Thomas.