Chris Christie Keeps Door Open On Possible 2024 Run & Urges Trump To “Accept Defeat”

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is urging Americans to wear a mask to protect themselves and others from contracting COVID-19, as cases rise across the nation heading into the Christmas holiday. In an interview on Fox News Radio’s “Guy Benson Show.” Christie who had been hospitalized in October after contracting the Coronavirus at the White House said,

“What I want people to understand, Guy, is for seven months I wore a mask. I washed my hands 10 or 12 times a day. You know, I stayed out of large groups, did all the things you’re supposed to do, and I stayed healthy. And then for four days, I let my guard down when I was inside the gates of the White House thinking I was in a safe place from the virus. And what I learned was there is no safe place from the virus.”

Christie has since lent his voice to a public service announcement, urging all Americans to mask up in a new national ad campaign. Looking to inform American’s about COVID safety and help to depoliticize mask-wearing.

“If you don’t do the right thing, we could all end up on the wrong side of history. Please wear a mask,” he says in the ad.

The Former Governor of New Jersey criticized his Democratic successor, Governor Phil Murphy’s (D-NJ) COVID-19 response and several reports that NJ nursing homes won’t get COVID-19 vaccines this week, because state officials missed a deadline to file the proper paperwork. Calling the debacle a “Scandal” and saying, “The health commissioner said, well, it’s a lot of paperwork. I mean, what more important could the government be doing than getting the vaccine to our seniors. Seventy-one hundred of whom have died just in the state of New Jersey.”

Christie blasted the media for not covering the story. Saying “The mainstream media loves Phil Murphy’s old-time Massachusetts liberal politics, they give him a pass and it’s. it’s obscene.”

President Trump has yet to acknowledge the results of the 2020 election and concede defeat to President-elect Joe Biden.
Christie, who has been an ally of the President, offered his blunt advice to the President. Calling for President Trump to “move on and to accept defeat.” Christie added,

“I’ve known the president for 20 years. He’s a guy who never acknowledges defeat….. And so I can’t say I’m completely shocked that he’s not acknowledging this one as to although I don’t think it’s justified and I think he should for the good of the country.”

President Trump continues to amplify baseless claims of mass voter fraud. Claiming the 2020 election was rigged, stolen, and is hoping lawsuits will overturn the election results. Christie threw cold water on Trump’s unsubstantiated claims. Saying, “The fact of the matter is, I said this on election night, guy, that you can’t come out and say there’s been election fraud without presenting the evidence and you need to present evidence where election fraud that would change the results of the election just had not been any of that kind of evidence presented.”

Christie, who ran for the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination, didn’t rule out a 2024 Presidential run even if President Trump decides to run again. Christie played several interictal roles in President Trump’s 2016 and 2020 campaigns. Kept the door open on a possible run for the White House. Saying,

“I’ll make my decision about whether I want to run for president or not based upon my own personal life, my own professional life. But most importantly, do I think I have something to contribute to the country that is unique and different than other people who are running? And if I make that decision, then absolutely, I’ll run. And if I don’t feel that way, then I won’t.”

Despite President Trump’s refusal to concede the 2020 election, it’s not stopping speculation of a Trump 2024 bid. Polls suggest the 45th President would top the pack if he were to run again. Christie said if the President wants to run again he’s got to “earn it.” Saying,

“If he wants to be the nominee again, he should have to run and earn it the same way he did in 2016. He ran and he earned it. He beat a very good field, myself included, and a lot of other very good Republicans. So nobody has a right to have that nomination. You’ve got to go out and earn it. You got to fight for it, make your argument for it and convince the voters.”

Listen To The Full Interview Below: