History is being made in the fight against COVID-19 with the first shots of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine administered on Monday to health care workers in several states. Many more hospitals and pharmacies are expected to receive their vaccine shipments this week. So what can we expect in the coming weeks and months from this rollout? President and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and former acting director of the CDC, Dr. Richard Besser and Former assistant U.S. attorney and Fox News Contributor Andy McCarthy weigh in.

More American troops are leaving Afghanistan, where the United States and other allies have been fighting since weeks after the 9/11 terror attacks. Months after the United States entered into a Taliban peace agreement, the fighting has intensified. Benjamin Hall, Fox News Foreign Correspondent, just returned from Afghanistan and discusses how both the U.S. troops and the Afghans are feeling about the withdrawal.

Plus, commentary by Robert Jeffress, Fox News contributor and pastor of the Dallas First Baptist Church.