Over the weekend, the Trump campaign suffered a legal defeat when a federal judge in Pennsylvania dismissed the campaign’s lawsuit that aimed to block the state’s vote certification that would solidify victory for President-elect Joe Biden. Senate & Governors Editor for The Cook Political Report Jessica Taylor joins to discuss what the next moves may be for President Trump and the Republican Party, the likely outcome of the Georgia runoff elections and how a divided government could impact the progress of another coronavirus stimulus relief bill.

With coronavirus cases surging across the country, indoor dining is on hold or limited. With colder weather coming outdoor dining won’t be an option for some states and even where restaurants are open a lot of people don’t feel comfortable sitting inside. Michael Dorf, owner of city Winery in New York and other cities discusses his approach to have indoor dining by adding a covid test that cost $50 before being seated. He also discusses how the cost of the tests will impact his business and what to expect from Congress moving forward in the pandemic.

Plus, commentary from Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist, and author of “America’s Expiration Date: The Fall Of Empires, Superpowers and the United States”