Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL): “There Are Countless Examples Of Fraud” In The Election But Need To Be Realistic

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Rep. Matt Gaetz explained how there might be evidence of fraud in the 2020 election, the legal remedy would be a “heavy lift” for any court.

“I believe there are countless examples of fraud. And to me, one of the big ones is this this universe of tens of thousands of voters that have moved out of their state and they’ve literally filled out change of address forms and yet they’re voting in their old state. So I do believe this fraud, whether it’s uncounted ballots, incorrectly counted ballots, illegal ballots, I think it’s very hard to catch that fraud after the fact. I think you’ve got to catch it in the act, which is why getting excluded from the counts was so devastating. Then there’s the question of remedies. And what I don’t believe is that we’re going to have a large number of courts saying that because an act may have occurred to pollute a pool of ballots, that they’re going to, as the remedy, exclude all of those ballots. That’s what Giuliani’s asking for in Pennsylvania to say, well, because the process was bad on these ballots, we can’t count any of them. And I think that’s a very heavy lift from a remedy standpoint with any court. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still expose the fraud. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still fight for it. We should always work to clean up our elections. But I also think we need to be realistic about remedies.”