Chris Wallace On The Aftermath Of The 2020 Election

Chris Wallace, Host of Fox News Sunday spoke with Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson about the aftermath of the 2020 election and how democrats didn’t meet expiations in Senate and Congressional races.

Wallace Said,

“Clearly the polling and the general expectations were wrong just as they were in 2016. You know, nobody was saying, well, some people were saying was going to be a blue wave. I wasn’t saying that you weren’t saying it because I think we were very mindful of how wrong the polls and the pundits had been in 2016 when President Trump came from behind and beat Hillary Clinton. Having said that, you know, I think most people thought, again, based on all the metrics that Biden was going to win and win more easily, if not a blue wave, that he was going to win more easily than he apparently has. And, you know, certainly that there was a better chance than we now see for Democrats to take control of the Senate. I also think, you know, I mean, in that sense, it it certainly was a disappointing night for Democrats, except for the fact if you win the White House, I guess all well sins are forgiven. But, you know, they didn’t do nearly as well up on Capitol Hill as they had expected.”

Listen To The Full Interview Below: