COVID-19 cases are surging across the U.S. with a rise in hospitalizations and deaths. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar weighs in on the increasing coronavirus cases as we head into the winter and flu season. He tells us where we are with treatments and vaccines and about the importance of explaining to the American people why it is safe to take the vaccine when it becomes available.

A week from today, we still may not know the winner of the 2020 Presidential election, but voters from the Carolinas will have an important say in who does win. On Tuesday, Vice President Mike Pence went to North Carolina, a state the Republicans may not be able to afford to lose this time around. The Tar Heel state is not just crucial to who wins the Presidency, but also which party will control the Senate. Mark Meredith, Fox News Correspondent, discusses why North Carolina is so critical and why it’s neighbor, South Carolina, is also becoming a key state to watch.

Plus, commentary by Robert Jeffress, Fox News contributor and pastor of the Dallas First Baptist Church.