“Realistically, We’re Tied” Michigan Senate Candidate John James Makes Pitch To Voters, Slams Opponent As ‘Career Politician’

John James, Republican challenger to Democrat Gary Peters, in Michigan Senate race spoke to Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson about the tightening senate race in Michigan. Peters made his pitch to voters, saying

“Oh, realistically, we’re tied. A real Clear Politics classified by this race as a toss up in July. And since Labor Day, we’ve been within the margin of error. We’ve just released our internals. We are one point three down and the president’s closing all over the nation, and particularly in Michigan. People recognize the options they have in Michigan. They have a choice between a gas lighter and Gary Peters or a war fighter in me with my experience, a career politician and Gary Peters or someone who’s created jobs in the real world, somebody who understands what it takes to bring economic opportunity to every one of the nation or somebody who’s been a career politician for 30 years, been in Washington for 12 and been in the Senate for six with 33 percent unknown to the entire state until an election year. And now, a week out from the election, many folks in Michigan still can’t point to a thing Gary Peters has done for them. We have the opportunity not only to to to protect our Republican majority in the Senate to to bring balance to Washington. But we have the opportunity to get an effective leader into the Senate for Michigan to increased our influence and to make sure that we can make this the state in this nation, a better, more safe place. Senator Peters tows the party line, votes with Chuck Schumer 95 percent of the time, which is a solid A as a New York senator, actually, and both Bernie Sanders 85 percent of the time, which is a solid B of a socialist. That doesn’t fit our state and that doesn’t fit our nation and it certainly doesn’t fit the economic future. We need to go. Senator Peters is a career politician. He’s a party line politician. And that doesn’t benefit anybody in the state. And we need to get better representation.”

Listen To The Full Interview Below: