Sen. Marsha Blackburn: Is Joe Biden’s Loyalty To The Country Or Hunter Biden?

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) talked about the concerns that are being raised by Joe Biden’s defense of his son Hunter and his dealings with foreign countries.

“Who is his loyalty going to be to? The country or to his son? And his son? Clearly there is no denying that his son has deals with China, with Ukraine, with Kazakhstan. You’ve got these deals that Biden Inc. is involved in. And now you have the former business partners, one who is currently in prison, one awaiting sentencing, and the other who came forward this week with concerns that the Vice President clearly knew about these and the e-mail and text thread documents that he knew about these. He had met with some of these individuals. Part of Hunter’s due diligence or responsibility to these companies, was to organize meetings with the Vice President and to make introductions in the U.S. And so there is now a corroboration and a substantiation of those allegations.”