This combination of Sept. 29, 2020, photos shows President Donald Trump, left, and former Vice President Joe Biden during the first presidential debate at Case Western University and Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland, Ohio. The Commission on Presidential Debates says the second Trump-Biden debate will be ‘virtual’ amid concerns about the president's COVID-19. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Joe Lieberman, former democrat vice presidential candidate and senator, spoke with Brian Kilmeade and criticized the Commission on Presidential Debate’s decision to make the next debate virtual. Lieberman agrees with President Trump being upset over the decision and says he didn’t think “to just decide” was the way to make the announcement and that the people on the commission “have become very powerful and a little autocratic.” Lieberman also discussed last night’s vice presidential debates. Lieberman felt Harris was strongest when pushing back against the White House’s response to the coronavirus pandemic . Lieberman said Pence was most effective on discussing the push by the left to pack the Supreme Court and says Biden will have to answer if he will support packing the court in the next two debates. Lieberman believes Biden has to convince voters he is in charge of the democrat party and that he is center-left and not left-left because being left-left doesn’t win in America.