“The Numbers Have Stayed So Incredibly Stable” Kristen Soltis Anderson On State Of The 2020 Race

Kristen Soltis Anderson, Fox News Contributor, pollster, speaker, commentator spoke with Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson about the current state of the 2020 election. Soltis Anderson said,

“I always advocate that people look at polling averages rather than individual polls because it’s too easy for people to cherry pick data points that they like and don’t like on the basis not of methodological difference, but of I like this. Number, I don’t like this. Number too many people are in that business and I think looking at averages is most effective. And what you see, if you looked at the averages, if you look at that real Clear Politics chart, is a race that has been unbelievably stable for months, months and months and months, going all the way back to January. We went through an impeachment trial. The race stayed relatively stable, if not a slight Trump bump during that time period throughout the course of this virus, protest over the summer. Now, what we’ve had over the last few weeks, which has been a Supreme Court vacancy, the president contracting COVID himself. The numbers have stayed so incredibly stable. So that is my my first thing to encourage people to think about. Look at the numbers overall in general trending in one direction or the other, rather than focusing on one particular poll telling a story I like.”

Listen To The Full Interview: