President Trump will be going to Kenosha, Wisconsin today, where he claims his insistence to have the National Guard sent in saved the city from more deaths and injuries. Jacob Blake was shot seven times by police and left paralyzed, sparking this violence. Mike Tobin, Fox News Senior Correspondent was there for several days witnessing it all unfold. Tobin discusses what it was like on the ground during the civil unrest where he saw two protesters get shot.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told lawmakers that his office will be scaling back in-person briefings on election security to Congress. Instead they are providing written reports, in hopes to cut back on leaking. Democrats, who have blamed the Trump administration in the past for downplaying election threats, especially from Russia, are slamming the decision. Fox News Contributor and former CIA Station Chief, Daniel Hoffman weighs in on the decision and tells the “Rundown” why both parties need to put the politics aside.

Plus, commentary by Robert Jeffress, Fox News contributor and pastor of the Dallas First Baptist Church.