Fox News Rundown Extra: What’s Behind The Surge In Gun Sales?

Whether it’s increased violence in American cities or the uncertainty bought on by the pandemic or an election year, more people arming themselves.

In fact, Americans have already bought more guns this year than in all of 2019.

Earlier this week, host Dave Anthony spoke to John Lott, President of the Crime Prevention Research Center, and Kris Brown, President of Brady United Against Gun Violence , to discuss this year’s surge in gun sales and what a Biden presidency would mean for gun control.

The discussions were too long and we only included small portions of each interview in our original segment. Guns will no doubt be a big topic in both local and national races and we wanted you to hear everything both guests had to say about the issue.

On the Fox News Rundown Extra, you will hear our complete interviews with both Crime Prevention Research Center’s John Lott and Brady United’s Kris Brown.