Fox News Rundown Extra: Larry Hogan On President Trump, Reopening Schools And Restoring Law And Order

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan is a rising star in the Republican party. But that doesn’t mean he won’t criticize President Donald Trump or other members of the GOP.

The outspoken Hogan has also helped his state cope with both the coronavirus and violent protests sparked by alleged police abuses.

Fox News Rundown host Dave Anthony spoked to the governor earlier this week about his handling of those two crises and why he thinks he did a more effective job than others.

The Governor, who is rumored to be eyeing a 2024 presidential bid, also weighed in on the status of the Republican party and his own political ambitions.

The conversation was long and we could not include all of it in our original segment. You can hear all of our conversation with Larry Hogan now on the Fox News Rundown Extra.