Fox News Rundown Extra: Brian Kilmeade On What Made America Great

On his Fox Nation series “What Made America Great,” Brian Kilmeade explores the places and “hidden gems” that shaped our country.

In the latest season, the talk show host and co-anchor of “Fox & Friends” examined the secrets of the White House and even had the opportunity to speak directly with its current resident, President Donald Trump.

Recently, Brian Kilmeade spoke to host Dave Anthony on the Rundown about his new season, his conversation with the President and what he learned about 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The conversation didn’t just focus on America’s past. Kilmeade weighed in on modern day politics and the ongoing debate over the public display of controversial historic monuments.

The interview was long and we could not fit it all in to our original segment. You can hear all of what Brian had to say about America then and now on today’s Fox News Rundown Extra.