Fox News Rundown Extra: A Candid Conversation With Dr. Fauci

Coronavirus cases spiked across the country this week, worrying both health experts and local leaders.

Many states have even decided to back off some of their reopening plans.

To discuss these growing concerns, host Jessica Rosenthal spoke to director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Fauci weighed in on the resurgence of Covid-19 cases and what can be done to help prevent an even larger health crisis.

The infectious disease expert also discusses the latest on potential treatments and even addressed his critics who have said many of his predictions about the virus have not come true.

The conversation covered a lot of ground including questions over China’s initial response to the pandemic, the American government’s preparedness and whether or not schools can open in the fall. Because of time restrictions, our original segment only included a very small portion of our extensive interview with Dr. Fauci.

On the Fox News Rundown Extra you will hear everything Dr. Fauci shared with us as we bring you the full interview.