Congressman Mike Gallagher (R-WI) Calls For Congress To Reconvene To Provide Debate In Coming Relief Legislation

Congressman Mike Gallagher (R-WI/8) calls on speaker Pelosi to reconvene Congress so there can be debate and amendment in the process of crafting funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) as well as future Coronavirus relief Legislation. Saying there are “Risks” to reconvening but that it can be done in a safe “Socially-Distant Way”.

Rep Gallagher released a statement calling on Speaker Pelosi to reconvene the House of Representatives to fund the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and begin debating future legislative action

Every day, millions of healthcare workers and first responders heed the call to battle this virus. Yet while we ask these brave men and women to risk their lives to keep our country healthy, both chambers of Congress lay empty as an unprecedented crisis unfolds around us. This is inexcusable. Small businesses across the country are making decisions to permanently close their doors. Americans are losing their jobs at unprecedented rates. Hospitals are struggling to procure the supplies they need to keep their employees safe. This isn’t a time for members of Congress to leave critical decisions in the hands of a few. This is a time for members to be legislating.

“In the Marines, we’re taught to ‘ride to the sound of the guns.’ It’s time we do so as members of Congress. Speaker Pelosi should immediately reconvene the House — in a way that minimizes the risk of spreading the virus — so we can do the work we were elected to do. In these difficult times, it’s now more important than ever.” – Via Congressman Gallagher’s office

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