Arkansas senator Tom Cotton joined Brian on his radio show and reacted to WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu’s comments from earlier in the week in which he said President Trump should stop “politicizing” coronavirus unless he wants “to have many more body bags.”

“I don’t see how you can view what Dr. Tedros said as anything other than a threat,” Cotton said. “I think part of that is designed to deflect attention away from the WHO’s obvious negligence in accepting what China has to say at face value and in many cases in January repeating Chinese propaganda that minimized the threat of the virus,” he said.

Sen. Cotton went on to say he does not think we’ve overreacted as a country to the coronavirus threat, but also said we should not be overly critical of governors who have decided not to adopt strict shelter-in-place orders as some states have.

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