Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) spoke with Brian today about how his state is responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

“We’re catching hell, Brian, but we’re coping. Adjusted for population I think we’re number two in the number of cases among the states and number three in deaths.”

Though Sen. Kennedy expressed optimism that Louisiana will overcome the virus, he also emphasized what his state’s biggest needs are.

“Everybody’s having trouble finding protective equipment, though we’re doing a little bit better there. Testing is still an issue… our biggest need frankly is ICU nurses and ventilators,” he said.

Kennedy went on to say that while they can build more ICU beds, they will need ICU nurses to staff them, saying, “Nurses really run healthcare of America and it’s hard to find ICU nurses right now.”

On the topic of the escalating oil price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia, which has been driving oil prices to record lows, Kennedy said, “The Crown Prince, who makes the decisions in Saudi Arabia, is acting like a total butt head. He doesn’t need to do this. This is all about market share for Saudi Arabia.”

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