This podcast practices social distancing …

Dana Perino, former White House Press Secretary, co-host of Fox News Channel’s “The Five” and host of “The Daily Briefing” and Chris Stirewalt Fox News Politics Editor run through the daily goings-on in the world of politics.

This week, Dana and Chris touch base from the comfort of their own homes. They discuss the negotiation of the Coronavirus stimulus package, how Joe Biden might proceed in an election year fraught with a global pandemic, and Chris weighs in on the importance of non-partisan consideration when discussing a possible ‘end date’ to social distancing.

Plus, Chris takes on presidential-ailment trivia.

Follow Dana Perino on Twitter: @DanaPerino and Facebook 

Plus pick up her books: “And The Good News Is…” and “Let Me Tell You About Jasper”

Follow Chris Stirewalt on Twitter: @ChrisStirewalt 

Subscribe to his political news note: ‘FOX News Halftime Report‘ and order his book“Every Man A King: A Short, Colorful History of American Populists”

Click HERE for more “Perino & Stirewalt: I’ll Tell You What”