Dr. Ronny Jackson: Disgusted By The Press Trying To Make President Trump A Xenophobe

On FOX Across America with Jimmy Failla, Jimmy speaks with former White House Physician and candidate for Congress Dr. Ronny Jackson about how the President is being treated by the press during his Coronavirus Task Force briefings.

“I was just disgusted by the attitude of the reporters that were asking the questions and stuff. I mean, you can tell it’s just it’s like a feeding frenzy. They’re just trying their best to figure out how they can trip him up or how they can spin something into something that it’s not. And then they spend half the press conference worrying about whether or not he called it the China virus or not. I mean, who cares at this point? We are way past that. This virus came from China. You know, so. But trying to paint the president as a xenophobe and a racist because he mentioned it as the China virus at one point, it’s ridiculous. That’s not where our energy needs to be focused right now.”