Hillary Clinton has inserted herself into the 2020 presidential campaign. Without mentioning Rep. Tulsi Gabbard by name, the 2016 Democrat nominee accused the Hawaii congresswoman of being a “Russian asset” out to sabotage the party. Besides creating a split among Democrats, Clinton’s comments are also fueling speculation she may be considering yet another presidential run. Mark Penn, chief strategist on Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, joins the Rundown to give his reaction to the Clinton/Gabbard feud and speculation the former First Lady may want to run again.

Presidential candidate, billionaire and political outsider Tom Steyer thinks he has what it takes to take on President Trump in the 2020 election. Steyer discusses why he’s been pushing for President Trump’s impeachment. He also talks about his campaign and his recent debut on the debate stage in Ohio.

Plus, commentary by Former Utah Congressman and FOX News Contributor Jason Chaffetz.