It’s not easy being a religiously conservative school in a community of liberal politics. But that’s where Colorado Christian University finds itself. However, CCU is not backing down, and certainly not watering down its beliefs to suit the cultural climate. It is the institutional version of Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cake Shop, who won a Supreme Court victory for his right to religious freedom in not baking a cake for a same sex wedding. Like Phillips, CCU is standing its ground, ramping up the conservative rhetoric, and in so doing, trying to steer young minds to a culturally counter-intuitive way to of thinking and seeing the world. On this installment of Lighthouse Faith Podcast, I talk with Dr. Donald Sweeting, president of Colorado Christian University, and Jeff Hunt, a close friend of Jack Phillips by the way, and the Vice President of Public Policy at CCU’s Centennial Institute, a conservative think-tank and political activist arm of the school. The two talk about the challenges of influencing students who’ve been programmed by a secular, liberal culture. It’s a lesson for us all.