Karl Rove, former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush, spoke to Brian Kilmeade about President Trump’s State of the Union address last night. Rove says President Trump is at his best when talking about things he is passionate about such as immigration and the economy. One part of the speech Rove wished the President stayed away from was when President Trump said ‘ridiculous partisan investigations’ because “last night was not the moment to say don’t investigate because it only brings attention back onto the Mueller investigation. When asked about President Trump talking about border security, Rove said, “The President got close to being where we need to be but not close enough,” and he should have let the experts from DHS come out and make his point on the need for a border wall. On the President announcing another North Korean Summit, Rove believes President Trump will need to show real progress on North Korean denuclearization before the 2020 election.
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