Secretary Of The Interior Ryan Zinke joined Brian Kilmeade to discuss the search and rescue operations in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence, local government being the first line of defense against natural disasters, and how the worst is yet to come because of flooding. Zinke also discussed the latest on the accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh from Christine Blasey Ford saying both Kavanaugh and Ford “Should be heard quickly, like yesterday…I agree with the President, certainly I want to hear it, America wants to hear it very, very quickly. It smacks of course of political manipulation…I want to hear it..I think it’s the right call.” When discussing Bob Woodward’s book on the Trump administration, Zinke said he has not seen friction among members of the administration and describes the President as engaged and allows you to do your job but will challenge you to do it and hold you accountable. When asked if he has ever taken things off the President’s desk, Zinke said, “No, I try to put them on his desk.”

Plus, Secretary Zinke discussed the unanimously passed bi-partisan bill to rebuild national parks using federal energy revenues and the U.S. becoming the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas, surpassing Saudi Arabia and Russia.

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